# Module Manager Watch Dog :: Known Issues So, you just got a Houston and ended up here, right? Well, you got bitten in the arse by a messed up installation, not rarely due how KSP handles Assembly loading. This is a troubleshooting list to help you on fixing your instalment. ## Known detectable problems If you need help about how to fix your system, contact me using one of the methods described [here](./Contact). ### There're more than one MM Watch Dog on this KSP instalment! Well, somehow you managed to have installed more than one copy of this tool itself! Check `GameData/` for DLLs with the name "ModuleManagerWatchDog" on it and delete all of them - then [reinstall](https://github.com/KSP-ModularManagement/ModuleManagerWatchDog/releases) it from scratch.. ### "There's no Module Manager on this KSP instalment!" Oukey, you need to install Module Manager! :) See the ["How-To"](./HOW-TO) for further instructions. ### "You have MM installed, but not its dependencies!" ![mm-missing-dependencies](./content/KNOWN-ISSUES/mm-missing-dependencies.jpg) If you are using MM/L, the you need to install [KSPe](https://github.com/KSP-ModularManagement/KSPe/releases) too, otherwise it will not work! If you are using MM (Forum), then you are being screwed by something fishy in your Instalment, because it was not loaded! [Contact](./Contact) me for help! ### "There're more than one Module Manager on this KSP installment!" ![multiple-mm-installed](./content/KNOWN-ISSUES/multiple-mm-installed.jpg) Unfortunately, from KSP 1.8.0 and above a fatal bug is affecting Module Manager when more then one MM dll is installed on your system, what renders Module Manager choosing to use the **oldest** version to be used. This caused some problems to TweakScale at least once. There's no other solution available but to manually **DELETE** all redundant copies of Module Manager, leaving only one on the GameData. This was diagnosed on [TweakScale's thread](https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/179030-ksp-141-tweakscale-under-lisias-management-24314-2020-0519/&do=findComment&comment=3797945). ### "There're conflicting Module Manager versions on your instalment!" From KSP 1.12.0 and forward, multiple assemblies with the same name are not a problem anymore, as KSP will elect the Assembly with the biggest FILEVERSION and ignore the others. However, this had the side effect of preventing this tool to easily detect when more than one copy of Module Manager is present - what **is a problem** if you choose to experiment with the /L fork. So, if you got this message, you installed MM /L Experimental **and also** the Canonical MM, and this is hairy to say the least. Please choose one fork and remove the other(s).