KSP's Forum Preservation Project :: News :: 2024-1023
Someone is finally doing something
Dakota, former Community Manager for KSP, said on Twitter/X that he was told by his contacts that Forum is down due
a small configuration issue, so with the proper changes, there shouldn't be any data loss.
To be fair, it's exactly what Vanamond3 said back then on the beggining of the crisis. That, by the way, came back to Reddit today to say
The contact we contacted has contacted his contact who has now been granted access to do something to something.
Adding injury to the insult, this krapstorm* happened just a couple days after SpaceX managed to pull one of the biggest stunts of the History of the Spacefaring (the StarShip 5 flight and landing on the mechazilla's chop sticks) - and, yet, Forum was kept down due a "small configuration issue".
Speaking frankly... If this is really** what's happening, and the Internet Archive and Fortinet dramas were just coincidences, this also means that Forum is down for a whole week due Negligence and/or Incompetence.
And I really don't know what could be worse. :/
** I'm not doubting Dakota neither Vanamond3, I firmly believe they are telling the truth. What's different of everybody on the contact chain telling the truth. Corporation Politics sucks.