KSP's Forum Preservation Project :: News :: 2025-0122T0405z

Forum is down. AGAIN

I'm biting the bullet and giving you the news as fast as I could to avoid panic: as from 04:05 Zulu forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com is currently offline - as well Private Division, by the way.

None of them are back online at the moment of this writing.

When trying to access forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com.cdn.cloudflare.net I get the exact the same error page when I try forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com:


Private division, however, is giving me a different error:


Some dude on Reddit commented that other game's wiki under Cloudflare also borked yesterday, and I had problems with Steam and Bitbucket today.

But apparently these events are unrelated.


Unsurprisingly, wiki is also down. Same behaviour as Forum.