Dynawing MAX :: A Ludicrous Mission


RealLifeโ„ข stoled me from KSP for some time, and once I managed to get back I wasn't on the mood for "serious" gaming (like this - or on Forum). But, still, something slightly more challenging that simply trolling tourists (also on Forum)! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

So wondering about what to do, I remembered that my SkyLab Program would need to kick some serious payloads into the skies eventually and wondered how would be the most ludicrous (and fun) way to put a 80 ton cargo on the highest Kerbin Orbit I could by reusing some already existent craft on KSP.

And so Dynawing MAX was born! ๐Ÿ˜œ

I took the stock Dynawing, made some adjustments and strapped some serious boosters on her.

And then lightened that candle to see what happens... ๐Ÿ˜

Hint: this report only depicts the last successful iteration of the project - Kraken knows there's not enough storage on Kerbin if I would do a full report on every failure! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Craft: here