Kerley Rotodyne :: A Serenity (Breaking Ground) experiment for TweakScale
This vessel is one of my first success (i.e., didn't exploded at spawn!) while doing experiments with the TweakScale patches for Serenity.
This thing below is being made on KSP 1.7.3 + Serenity + TweakScale 2.5.x Beta Snapshot You Need to Use GIT (not released to the public, see the roadmap. You can shove the DLLs from the latest released on this).
I'm slowly, as time permits, toying patches for Serenity (Breaking Ground). Things are way from perfect, I had to use unbreakable joints on my machine to prevent Kraken Attacks, besides sometimes this is not needed. Probably something related to the poor performance of my dev rig - it's directly related to autostruts on the blade, as well trying to shove a EAS strut on it!
You can download the craft file here. Didn't put it on KerbalX as it uses unreleased patches.
Who can tell where TweakScale was applied? :)