TweakScalke Watch Dog :: Known Issues

So, you got the infamous "Houston", right?


Sorry for that, but something really nasty happened otherwise you would not had been "Houstoned". Most of the time, ignoring this message will end with the corruption of the savegame (seriously), so besides being pretty frustrating, it's for the best.

This document will try to explain to you to fix your rig ASAP. Check for the error message on the following sections.

As always, contact me if you need further help.

"There're more than one TweakScale™ Watch Dog on this KSP installment! Please delete all but the one you intend to use!"

Somehow, you managed to have two or more copies of the TweakScale.WatchDog.dll in your rig. You probably tried to install a new TweakScale release manually on the wrong place!

Find and remove all installations of TweakScale and reinstall it from scratch, this time trying to do it on the right place!

Your TweakScale should be installed on <KSP_Root>/GameData. Check TweakScale's install instructions for further information!

Remember! "There can be only one!" #highlanderFeelings

"TweakScale.WatchDog.dll must be on GameData/TweakScale/Plugins and not anywhere else. You need to fix your installation!"

You installed TweakScale on the wrong place. It's a PITA, but installing TweakScale files in any other place leaded to disaster in the past, so it just don't worth the trouble on trying to support the thing in any directory.

Find and remove all installations of TweakScale and reinstall it from scratch, this time trying to do it on the right place!

Your TweakScale should be installed on <KSP_Root>/GameData. Check TweakScale's install instructions for further information!

"There's no Scale_Redist on this KSP installment! You need to properly install TweakScale™!"

You almost surely installed manually TweakScale for the first time and forgot to put the 999_Scale_Redist.dll file directly into GameData.

Unzip again your installation package, look for the file 999_Scale_Redist.dll and move it into your GameData.

Remember! "There can be only one!" #highlanderFeelings (and it must be on GameData)

"There're more than one Scale_Redist on this KSP installment! Please delete all but the GameData/999_Scale_Redist.dll one."

This one is another PITA, I know.

In the past, it was usual that 3rd parties would redistribute the Scale_Redist.dll file inside their installation directories. This was never a good idea (as at that time, duplicated Assemblies were being loaded into a different Application Domain and this made everything slower on KSP).

Newer KSP releases tried to tackle down this problem by preventing any duplicate from being loaded, but this caused another problem - if a rogue duplicate is loaded first, the intended one will not, and Kraken knows what would happen from that point.

Unfortunatelly, you will have to hunt down every single copy of Scale_Redist.dll on your rig and get rid of them, leaving only 999_Scale_Redist.dll on GameData.

Remember! "There can be only one!" #highlanderFeelings (and it must be on GameData)

"999_Scale_Redist.dll must be directly on GameData and not inside any subfolder or on other filename. You need to fix your installation!"

This is almost surely a manual installation error. Remove all copies of TweakScale from your rig and reinstall it from scratch.

Check TweakScale's install instructions for further information!

"999_Scale_Redist.dll is not what's TweakScale™ expects and it's not compatible. Please reinstall TweakScale™, replacing this file with the correct one."

Unfortunately, an alien and unsupported version of Scale_Redist.dll was loaded into memory, and this will break TweakScale 2.5 and newer.

Please delete this version of the DLL and reinstall the proper one, inside the same ZIP file you used to install TweakScale.

Check TweakScale's install instructions for further information!

"999_Scale_Redist.dll found is deprecated and will not match TweakScale™ requirements. Please reinstall TweakScale™, replacing this file with the correct one."

You almost surely updated TweakScale to the new 2.5 series (or newer!) but forgot to update the 999_Scale_Redist.dll in your GameData, leaving an older version that will not provide all the services newer TweakScale releases need.

Please delete this release of the DLL and reinstall the proper one, inside the same ZIP file you used to install TweakScale.

Check TweakScale's install instructions for further information!

"TweakScale wasn't found on this KSP installment! You need to properly install TweakScale™!"

Somehow, you managed to install TweakScale.WatchDog but not TweakScale itself! :)

Install TweakScale.

Check TweakScale's install instructions for further information!

"There're more than one TweakScale™ installed on this KSP installment! Please delete all but the GameData/TweakScale one."

You almost surely tried to update manually TweakScale, but ended up copying it into the wrong place. The most usual mistake is installing it inside a rogue GameData inside the canon GameData (i.e., <KSP-Root>/GameData/GameData).

This is bad, really bad, and not only for TweakScale.

Remove the rogue copy, and reinstall TweakScale from scratch.

Check TweakScale's install instructions for further information!

"TweakScale/Scale.dll is not TweakScale™, but some other fork. Please reinstall TweakScale™, replacing this file with the correct one."

Well, you probably is trying to replace TweakScale with some other fork, and forgot to completely remove all the leftovers from TweakScale first, and ended up installing the alien fork over TweakScale.

This is bad, really bad, and not only for TweakScale.

Completely uninstall everything, and reinstall the desired fork from scratch.

If you want to stick with us, check TweakScale's install instructions for further information!

"There's no Module Manager on this KSP installment! You need to install Module Manager!"

Well, the message is auto explainable. You need to install Module Manager! :)

There's no way TweakScale will work without it, because TweakScale needs MM to apply it patches on the known supported parts so they will, well, scale!

Check this page for the available options and where to get them.

"ModuleManager.dll must be directly on GameData and not inside any subfolder. Please move ModuleManager.dll directly into GameData."

You installed Module Manager on the wrong place! :)

Hunt down all rogue copies of the ModuleManager.dll (or ModuleManager.x.y.z.dll- where x.y.z are the MM version) and remove them.

Then install the desired MM, on the right place (i.e., directly into GameData).

Check this page for the available options and where to get them.