The B9-PWings-Fork debacle : Change Log
- 2024-0404
- Changed Introduction (Part 1), adding that things appears to be improving nowadays and that the original affirmation may not reflect anymore the current state of affairs.
- 2023-0801
- Added Web Archive links to the relevant material
- An user requested to have his name removed from the Part 2 of this log.
- Since he's not really involved on the mess, I didn't see a reason to not doing it
- besides his gaucheness on polluting Forum with unrelated matters (I was admonished before for bringing issues from foreign sites to Forum once). There're many ways to reach me, including by mail and even Forum messaging - I failed to understand the need to bring unrelated subjects to TweakScale's thread.
- Not to mention that he's widening the reach of something he intended to narrow...

- Fixed a bad grammar on Part 1
- Added links with my work on B9-PWings-Fork in the past
- Yes, I had applied pull requests with fixes in the past, collaborating properly with the project's owner.
- 2021-0519
- Part 2, with the events chronologically sorted.
- Small updates on Part 1
- 2021-0517
- Part 1, where the problem was disclosed.