What the hell?
You give them an inch, they'll take a yard. Resist.
So this guy acuses me for being tacky due "using a copyrighted file of him" without the due "respect".
Things are... I don't have the slightest idea if this is really his - it probably is. However, the freaking guy had published the thing using the MIT, by Jesus Christ. And the freaking file doesn't have the smallest clue about who is the author.
I'm not (too much) dumb, I'm pretty sure I took the file from a MIT or "Do What the Fuck you Want" licensed project, by the way. And this could be from him, but also could be from anyone else - he licensed the file under the MIT, damnit. Anyone can do whatever he/she wants.
And I had no means to know who in hell had written that file, with different people having it on their repos.
Doing the needed research (after all, it was a copyright claim, he made it very clear by mentioning the licenses), I discovered he had pushed this very same file into other people's repositories - without the proper attributions, virtually "infecting" the repositories.
Do you know what? This is Copyright Trolling. Plain simple. I don't know what this guy really wants, but whatever it is, it's not cool doing what he does.
And my official answer to that:
Unfortunatelly, the guy didn't took the hint and insisted - trying to make a victim from himself. Had I any doubt on the issue, I have no more.
My first answer was not the best possible, I let him drove me off. My bad.
At least, I realized it soon enough and fixed it. Driving people away is what those guys do in order to accomplish what they want. I need to keep my temper under control. :)
This is not an issue anymore. :)
A (hopefully) final word on the matter. Directed to a kind "intelectual adversary" :) that made a generous offer that I could not accept due this mess.
Addendun 2019/Oct : as the time passed, and mutual need of assistance arose, I ended up being informed that the guy was being ill advised by a... "professional" of the field.
Frankly? Events that happened after that corroborates his word - I have no reasons to think he's not talking the true on this. I had a problem with what he was doing, not with him. He stopped doing that, the problem vanished away.
The remaining problem, however, is that the guy was, indeed, being ill advised - and I have no reasons to believe this was the only ill advised he got. This make things hairy, as I have to second guess everything that have his name on the commit, as he could had been ill advised on how handling his repositories too.
The after math os that, since I already was dragged into this mess (and it's better to stay around than to go away to see thins coming back later - at least I can react by staying), I need to cover my ass. And to cover my ass, I on the work of archiving everything I ever touched or used in order to have registered evidences if by bad luck some ill advisement ends up bitting me in the ass.
I also have no reason to think that this guy was the only one being ill advised. So... Yeah. I'm archiving everything nowadays. :)
What a mess that Company allowed some people to create with their IP... Gosh.