KSPe :: Known Issues

So, you just got a Houston and ended up here, right?

You Got a Houston!

Well, this is a troubleshooting list to help you on fixing your instalment.

Known detectable problems

If you need help about how to fix your system, drop me a message on Forum or send me a email using the address support at lisias dot net . Please add "KSP:KSPe" as the subject of the email, or my email filter will not detect your email and I may miss it.

There's a GameData inside your GameData

Well, something or someone (probably you! ;) ) screwed up while installing something, and you ended up with Add'Ons installed inside an inner GameData on the already (and canonical) existent GameData in your KSP.

This is a huge mistake. Add'Ons need to know precisely where they are installed, otherwise they will not be able to find themselves, not to mention being patched by 3rd parties using Module Manager.

So, remove the inner GameData (and only the inner one!!) from the <your-ksp-root>/GameData directory and reinstall correctly any Add'On you find there.

I can't state it enough: installing Add'Ons in the wrong place is terrible, and can really ruin your game because failure in patchings (or in instantiating DLLs) will surely ruin any savegame you load when KSP is in this state.

Some very simple ones appears to work fine, but they are the exceptions - anything more complex will bork your game so, please, just don't allow wrongly installed Add'Ons to linger in your rig!

There're more than one KSPe.InstallChecker on this KSP instalment!

Somehow you managed to have installed more than one copy of this tool itself!

Check GameData/ for DLLs with the name "KSPe.InstallChecker.dll" on it and delete all of them - but the one inside the directory GameData/000_KSPe/.

"A deprecated release of KSPe was found!!"

Hey, you was using KSPe for some time! Thank you for your support!

What happened is that KSPe, on its initial times, was incepted as a companion for the outdated but still useful KSPAPIExcentions. However it outgrew it by a mile, and so it became a full blown library an its own right.

From v2.5, I decided to rename the installation directory to prevent confusion as I'm going to publish the thing on the mainstream, and it happened that when you installed the newest KSPe 2.5 or newer, it found some oldies left behind.

Delete <your-ksp-root>/GameData/000_KSPAPIExcentions and you will be fine!