Circumnavigation on Kerbin-Rescaled to 2.5
Interestingly, since I'm using RescaleContinued (and not the original Galileo88's one), the Kerbin's day is still 6 hours, and by chance the craft's approximate heading while overflying the South Pole is... Desert Airfield. Fact is that Kerbin's Atmosphere is not moving with the planet (as it happens on Earth), so while I was flying over the planet, it was still rotating - and after 1 hour and a half, KSP "drifted" to the right ~ 25% of the planet's diameter to my right. So in order to land on KSP, I would need to correct my heading by ... hum.... 9O° during the journey, that will take ~ 2 hours, so 90° / 2 * 60 * = ~ 0.75° to my right every minute to counter act the planet's rotation...